Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 3, 2015

CSL Series High Pce UV Systemserforman

CSL Series High Pce UV Systemserforman

For 60 years, hospital and hotel installations worldwide, as well as Life Sciences and Microelectronic applications have relied on the quality and proven performance of Aquafine’s CSL series.

Aquafine CSL series features medium-flow models for numerous markets and applications. At 60 years, the series continues to be a popular choice, allowing features to be customized to customer specifications and industry requirements.

The CSL series consists of 316L stainless steel treatment chamber and a 304 stainless steel control panel in one integral unit. Complete with standard Lamp Status Indicator, the compact size maximizes installation flexibility and preserves floorspace. Single-ended (SE) lamps allow quick change-outs without tools. Upgrades for legacy models are available. CE rated for 240V only.
CSL Series SpecificationsMinimize
FLOWRATES:* 40-520gpm @ 94% UVT, 50-630gpm @ 99% UVT
APPLICATIONS: DisinfectionOzone destructionTOC reduction

MARKETS: Food & BeverageLife SciencesMicroelectronics

For standard features and options, please download the Marketing Brief.
*Additional flowrates are also available. Please contact Aquafine or your local distributor for more information.
Aquafine CorporationMinimize

29010 Avenue Paine
Valencia, CA, 91355-4198
Phone: 661-257-4770
Fax: 661-257-2489
Toll Free: 800-423-3015
Within the domestic U.S.A. & Canada

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